On Laravel

Hi, friends! Finally I was able to find the time to work through a full tutorial on the PHP framework Laravel. And I have to say: What I saw there is pretty cool. First of all, there is a build tool for PHP called Composer, which takes care of dependency management, comparable to Gradle in […]

On universities in software engineering – 10 years behind, getting worse

Hi friends! In a recent talk Robert C. “Uncle Bob” Martin mentioned as a side note, that in the field of software engineering college education is limping 10 years behind the industry. Having studied at three different German and one Irish university, this observation matches exactly my experience. To be clear, I acknowledge that there […]

Three tips on writing great unit tests

Hey, friends! I assume you already know technically how to write unit tests, and you are also applying the given-when-then pattern (a.k.a. arrange-act-assert) to make meaningful and understandable test cases. As a professional developer, you will often extend existing behavior of the software and you copy and modify existing tests. But when you have to […]

On the three stages to become a software developer

Hey, friends! In the last years, from time to time you could watch discussions on the question “should everybody learn programming” or “can everybody learn programming”. There are valid arguments on both sides, but I think the main problem on this issue is the lack of a definition what ‘programming’ means in that context. Or […]

On “machine learning for dummies” (I)

Hi friends! I told you on my last reading list article that I happened to bring “Thoughful machine learning with Python” from the library, just for fun, a look outside the bubble… When I started to read that book, I realized that this was not an introduction to machine learning, but something like the “Clean […]