On Laravel

Hi, friends! Finally I was able to find the time to work through a full tutorial on the PHP framework Laravel. And I have to say: What I saw there is pretty cool. First of all, there is a build tool for PHP called Composer, which takes care of dependency management, comparable to Gradle in […]

Three tips on writing great unit tests

Hey, friends! I assume you already know technically how to write unit tests, and you are also applying the given-when-then pattern (a.k.a. arrange-act-assert) to make meaningful and understandable test cases. As a professional developer, you will often extend existing behavior of the software and you copy and modify existing tests. But when you have to […]

On “machine learning for dummies” (I)

Hi friends! I told you on my last reading list article that I happened to bring “Thoughful machine learning with Python” from the library, just for fun, a look outside the bubble… When I started to read that book, I realized that this was not an introduction to machine learning, but something like the “Clean […]