Hi, friends! I read the first book from my reading list now (or to be precise: I read the introduction and the skimmed the rest of it). This book is not on how to manage a team effectively. This book is on a specific software tool called Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) and Team Foundation […]
Author Archives: Thiemo Belmega
On my reading list
I go to the library every feew weeks and bring home a pile of educational/scientific books I want to read. Here is the list of titles I picked this time: PHP “PHP for absolute beginners“, Thomas Hanson and Jason Lengsdorf, 2014.“Einstieg in PHP 7 und MySQL 5.6” (in English: Introduction to PHP 7 and MySQL […]
On engineering management
When I resigned from my developer job at a company once, some middle managers suggested a 2-on-1 meeting with me to see if they could convince me to stay. They asked me for my mid term career plans, and I replied: “I want to be a world class software developer, working five times faster than […]
On a name for my blog
Hi, friends!After some brainstorming, I narrowed down the possible names for my blog to three options: The third best option was TotalSurpriseException, because that’s the name of my YouTube channel since two years or so, where I’m publishing coding tutorial videos. The name was intended to be somewhat technology related and humorous, but it does […]
On increasing your foodprint
Hi, friends! There is one more reason to start blogging, in addition to documenting your thoughts for yourself, producing helpful content for your fellow readers and enjoying the attention: No matter if you just starting your career or you’re already senior level – sooner or later you want to apply for the next job. Of […]
On blogging
Hi, friends! My next pet project will be to learn PHP. I’m planning to create some real-world web application, similar to what I routinely build with my favorite technology stack (Spring Boot, Kotlin, Angular), and explore on the fly how to do that in today’s PHP ecosystem. That includes a bunch of initial reading, probably […]